Mom, are you sleep-deprived?!

Kirk Parsley
May 1, 2021

Mom’s are commonly sleep-deprived. Especially, new moms. Here are 5 tips to get the Sleep you need to Thrive

1. Working mom guilt is a real thing

Practice letting go of the guilt.

You are not alone! We see you & we hear you.

Real Mom’s with real guilt speak up-

“I think while all mothers deal with feelings of guilt, working mothers are plagued by guilt on steroids!” — Arianna Huffington, Sleep Evangelist

I describe working mom guilt as the feeling that I should be home with my child. It’s an ache in my chest that tells me my daughter needs me and she is safest with me. I have it when I am away on business trips, or when she is not feeling well. I probably have it about once a week!” — Meredith Jaeger, the author published by Harper Collins

I thought it would be so easy working from home, more time with kids, my terms. Mom’s guilt was still happening because I had to carve out time for work (with no distractions). But I have it more now. I am “here” more, but the guilt is attributed to still not being ‘present’ all the time.” — Eryn Vargo, founder, Moms Give Back

Real moms with real guilt and how they manage and relieve it

It is difficult to leave your child of 4 months and go to work for 8 hours plus travel time. I coped by reminding myself that she is around other babies and doesn’t really know or understand that I’m leaving here and there. Plus she’s at a good daycare with good people.” — working mother

Every day I enjoy a cup of hot chamomile tea, or another herbal tea, pop some lavender oil on a tissue, and have 5 minutes of interrupted time.” — working mother

I start my workday by going to the gym, and I schedule family getaways!” — Shauna Armitage of Making Moxie

I make sleep and healthy meals a priority. It sounds rather basic, but getting the necessities in order, helps me function and feel better.” — Amy Dugan


2. Create good sleeping habits. Say no to Sleep-Deprivation

Routine is everything for you and the kids. Research is showing that more and more kids are becoming sleep-deprived and not getting adequate sleep.

There are little things you can do to ensure when the time comes that you are able to catch some sleep, your mind and body are ready for it. It’s important to have a conversation with your partner about creating a nighttime routine that will allow you both to prepare for and get the sleep you need. This can be divvying up getting the kids in bed every night to give the other a chance to unwind.

Our bodies crave routine and like to know what’s coming. Introducing a sleep routine to your kids that aligns with your own sleep routine will ease the trouble of getting everyone to bed on time. Establishing a clear association with certain activities and sleep will cue the children’s minds and bodies that bedtime is near. Sticking to a consistent routine gets the body’s circadian rhythm on track a creates less of a risk to experience sleep-deprivation.

Check out Doc Parsley’s Sleep Optimization Checklist & Sleep/Wake Diary for Kids

Following the link above will welcome Better Sleep For Your Whole Family

Getting quality sleep consistently has tons of health benefits. In fact, we should be placing as much, if not more, importance on sleep as we do with nutrition and physical fitness. But getting great sleep does not happen overnight. It takes practice. But once you nail down the nighttime routine, you will be well on your way to enjoying the many mental and physical benefits of getting restorative, rejuvenating sleep.


3. Nap when your kid’s nap

Yes, adults are allowed to take naps, too. Especially, considering that sleep deprivation is on the rise. What research has shown is you can regain your emotional stability, creativity, and mood through napping. You can recuperate your ability to be a good parent. Naps can mitigate the damage of poor sleep. Take what you can get, right?!

Doc Parsley shares the benefits of power napping even if it is just for 20 minutes. Naps mitigate the impact of sleep-deprivation. A cool, dark environment is also optimal for napping. Create a go-to nap space, so when the opportunity arises, you have that optimal setup to soak in the benefits of a power nap without the distraction from the TV, radio, or daylight.

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4. Clear your mind 

Easier said than done?

Setting up a pre-sleep routine 30-60 min before bed is a great way to get your mind and body ready for sleep. This can come after putting the kids down to bed.

Engage in calming activities:

  • Listening to calming music
  • Relaxation exercises
  • Breathing exercises
  • Reading a book
  • Journaling
  • Meditating/Reflecting


5. Ask for help- Get the Sleep You Deserve

Seeking help isn’t a weakness. 

It’s normal to feel resistant to getting help. As mentioned above, feeling guilty about bringing another set of hands-on-deck is felt by all Moms. Whether it is a family member, friend, or a babysitter, accept the help when it is offered and needed. Even if it is just for a couple of hours to get some sleep.

Sleep loss and long-term sleep deprivation can lead to serious health problems. New moms are at risk for mood changes that can lead to depression, commonly known as the baby blues. For more educational resources regarding perinatal depression, click here.

We want everyone, especially all the Moms out there to imagine the possibility when sleep becomes a priority. Although it may take some extra planning, communication, and help from others, creating a routine surrounding sleep will be life-changing for the entire family.


❤️ Click here>> Give the Gift of Sleep this Mother’s day


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